Monday, May 31, 2010

Tuesday 100601

Back Squat 5 reps x 5

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
100m run
10 box jumps, 24"/20"
10 sumo-deadlift high pulls, 75#/55#
10 push-ups

30-Day Paleo Challenge begins today! Grilling can be an easy way to prepare a healthy, paleo friendly meal. Check out this pic courtesy of Norberto. You can grill just about any meat & vegetable combination in a matter of minutes.

What are some paleo friendly meals you plan on preparing over the next 30-days? Help each other out by posting your tips & recipes to comments.


Unknown said...

I found a great website with a ton of recipes that actually sound pretty easy and really good.

This is currently my plan.

N Domis said...

All right all. My breakfest was two eggs whites with a blue berrys and almonds.. So far so good good.. I was gagging when iwas eating the eggs whites... yummy

Lydia said...

hahahaha! Good job JJ this is the first time that JJ is eating eggs.He deserves a big high five.

N Domis said...

LOL... thanks sister

danger said...

y'all are nutso. lol good job guys!!

this wod sounds.... bad. but ill be there! :)

Andy said...

hahahah...that is funny. Reading JJ's comment made me laugh...He hates eggs....That just shows that one can try anything and eating...

Good job on eating huevos gueros...haha

For lunch, Lydia and I had broiled sirloin steak with broccoli and going to finish it off with strawberries or blackberries for desert.

the Treat! said...

Can I just come over to all of your guys' houses to eat? :) It sounds like you're doing Paleo deliciously!