Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday 090331

Five rounds for time of:
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions

Post time to comments.

Compare to 090126.

John busts out another classic face pic doing a sumo deadlift high pull during Fight Gone Bad. Great turnout yesterday! Thanks to Eric and George for sticking around and helping out during the 7 PM class. Next time this comes around, push for that 1 extra rep per exercise, and you'll improve your total by 15. Get 2 and it goes up by 30.


the Treat! said...

How did I manage to miss Fight Gone Bad? :) How sad I am... anyhow, I'm back, avoiding jetlag, and hope to see you all this week on Wednesday! And I will be in sad shape, because I've only been running. Hooray.

Andy said...

I did "Nicole" today. Since I can not run, I substituted 500m Row for the run.

6 Rounds = 3000m Row
47 Pullups

Eric said...

Good discussion in the main site comments on "Nicole." Consensus is that this is NOT a work capacity WoD. The goal is muscle endurance under stress. The endurance being able to do the maximum number of pull ups, and the run being the stress.

Comments tend to favor the notion that the run is "punishment" for falling of the bar, and a fast run is rewarded by a quicker return to the bar for another round of pull ups.

Andy said...

All I'm saying is that this workout was hard for me. :-)

George said...

Glad to have you back Jessica!

Eric said...

I hear you Andy. With any luck, I'll be so sore from the GHD sit-ups / back extensions that I'll have to take an extra day off and miss it. :)

Jason said...
