Sunday, May 16, 2010

Monday 100517

This is the workout we substituted for "Tommy V" last time it came up on the main site:

For time:

115# Thruster, 21 reps
115# One-armed deadlift, 24 reps each arm, alternate arms as-needed
115# Thruster, 15 reps
115# One-armed deadlift, 18 reps each arm, alternate arms as-needed
115# Thruster, 9 reps
115# One-armed deadlift, 12 reps each arm, alternate arms as-needed

Prescribed weight for women is 75#. Scale as needed.


Unknown said...

Is it one arm deadlifts or Rope Climb?? I saw beyond the whiteboard say it was rope climbs.

Andy said...

If you can do rope climbs, then do them. If you can't do rope climbs, then it's one-arm deadlifts

the Treat! said...

I'll do the climbs next time. That's going to become my current goal.