Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday 090902


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Compare to 090430.

Mekenna and Kathy both completed Tuesday's "Boat Fran" as prescribed.


Kathy said...

And it was fun! - Not really, sort of...

N Domis said...

I will be there at 5 today. Yesterdays work out was tough and congrats to Mekenna and Kathy for doing under 20 min.

Unknown said...

Crazy ass chicks. I heard about Mekenna and Kathy. Good job.

This morning's WOD is just as equally shitty. Hated every rep of it. Times:
Albert - 18:53 (95lb)/bar dips
Lidia - 13:17 (55lbs)/red band
Hanneke - 12:27 (85lbs)/red band
Jessica - 13:44 (55lbs)/red band
Liliana - 10:58 (55lbs)/purple band
Angel - 14:09 (85lbs)/purple band
Norberto - 16:14 (115lbs)/purple band

Unknown said...

This is the link to the place where I got my gilr hand grips to stop all tearing on my hands.

They work.

Action Andrew said...

Good job ladies!

Andy said...

Action, you're going to be there today?

Andy said...

18:56 RX