Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday 090905

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

For those of you not yet comfortable with this movement, we'll lighten the load, increase the reps, and work on form and technique.

The 6 AM class gives Friday's bar workout a go.


Andy said...

I have some exciting news. I got to 38" waist to where it actually fit perfect. At that point 36" waiste I was not able to even button. Well button, yes, but SUPER TIGHT!!!

This morning I took out my 36" waist shorts to try on thinking they would be tight but able to use. I was excited that after trying the 36" waist shorts, they fit better than tight...they fit perfect.....

Thanks, Jason and Crossfit Roselle

Kathy said...

GREAT! Thank yourself too, cause you have been busting your behind in the gym