Saturday, December 20, 2008


Four rounds, each for time of:
800 meter run

Rest as needed between efforts.

Post times for each round to comments.

Not sure if I was smiling for the camera, or smiling
because George and Eric were suffering through
the burpees during the filthy fifty...


Eric said...

Thanks Jason,

I was quite happy with "filthy 35"

Looking forward to doing this one again. Most frustrating part were the knee to elbows. Will have to work on those.

Ran 4x800M today indoors at the Meineke track. Times as follows:

4:00, 4:05, 4:10, 4:19

Unknown said...

Eric, some good 800 times.

Did Filthy Fifty today. Oh boy. 44:53. Finally got beat by my brother. Tio my defense I was out late last night eating pizza and drinking beer. Not a good idea before a filthy fifty.

Jeremy said...

I ran on a treadmil today 4x800m

3:26, 3:30, 3:23, 3:16

Jason said...

Jeff and I decided to go for a named WOD we hadn't done before. Jackie turned out to be extremely challenging, especially after doing the filthy fifty the day before. We expanded it to 3 rounds:

1000m row
50 thrusters, 45# bar
30 pull-ups

500m row
35 thrusters
15 pull-ups

250m row
25 thrusters
10 pull-ups

No times - I must have hit stop on the watch when doing the thrusters.