Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
15 L-Pull-ups
15 Hip Extensions

Post rounds completed to comments.

Candice - practicing the overhead squat. She's
even using the hook grip!


Unknown said...

Did "Jackie" today
1000 meter row
50 thrusters 45lb
30 pull ups
That row killed me.

Jason said...

I did the WOD with 500m row in place of the 400m run. Finished 4 full rounds plus 500m row and 6 L-pull-ups.

I agree with you, the rowing wiped me out!

Andy said...

I agree with the rowing. First time doing "Jackie" and before doing it, I felt this shouldn't be bad. YEAH RIGHT!!!! After the 1000 rowing, it wore me out. Then after the thrusters, I could barely raise my arms to grab the pull up bar. "Jackie" is a great all out sprint and very tough. 13:36

Eric said...

400m row
8 tuck pull-ups
15 hip extensions

AMRAP 20minutes

4 rounds + 400m + 7 pull-ups

This had 400m row sub'd for the running. The pullups were deadly. Not sure if this was a good modification because the row+pullup felt like too much of the same.