Sunday, December 7, 2008


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
15 Pull-ups
15 Ring push-ups
15 Back Extensions
15 GHD Sit-ups

Post rounds completed to comments.

The set-up...


Jason said...

7 complete rounds plus 12 pull-ups. Had to fight off pukie at the end of this one!

Eric said...

Nice, Jason! All I did this weekend was a few laps around the pool. Too many family responsibilities... I see you did some surgery on the GHD. Thank you, thank you!!

Jeremy said...

I did 8 rounds and finished with about 12 seconds to spare. My push ups were normal b/c I don't have rings in my gym...probably made it a bit easier. I also don't have a GHD machine but I did back extentions on a machine and did inverted sit ups.

Jason said...

Nice job, Dwight! Way to make do with what you got.

No worries, Eric. We'll make up for it this week! I think today's WOD will be a good one for you on Wednesday. And yes, The GHD is way more comfortable now. No more excuses!