Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday 100721

1-mile run, for time.

Complete as many rounds in seven minutes as you can of:
95 pound Squat clean, 10 reps
20 Sit-ups

The standard for the sit-up is feet anchored, back of the hands touch the ground above your head on the bottom, and hands touch the anchor at the top. No Abmat.


Unknown said...

Albert do the 2000m row today instead of the 1 mile run since its easier to row than run. As the Ortega's would say "Orale guay ponte a hacer row"

Lydia said...

Norberto you just want to challenge someone. So you could compare your time. I rather run than row for sure. I still think your the best Row-always-ever!;)

Unknown said...

Thanks Lidia but I only want to challenge Albert since he always says I have it easy when I have to row in a WOD.

Monty said...

good idea norberto - Albert - row!!

Unknown said...

No rowing son! I do what the board says! If it says to run, I run! If is says to row, then I will row.

Unknown said...

And what I said is "rowing is not easier or harder then running". If Guille can row 500m at 1:30, I can tell you right now that there is no way he will run that same time. Now I might not be able to row the same time I got in 400m run. So anything modified by rowing should not be called Rx. No further questions your Honor.

Unknown said...

U can't handle the truth!

N Domis said...

LOL Now this is Hilarious... LOL

Eric said...

That's a good thought Albert! We should do some back to back row/run events to compare our times for similar distances with both exercises. I be interested in seeing who runs better than rows and vice-versa.

Liliana said...

Thanks Eric, but no and rowing don't mix. I think I can mentally tackle a run any day, on the other hand, I get mentally beat just thinking about rowing a 500. No way! Hope Jason didn't read that and gets any crazy ideas. =(

Oh and great job to everyone on their runs today. Wow, everyone is getting so fast, it's impressive!

Liliana said...

Norberto, you did great on your rowing!!! I don't care what Albert says, you are the fastest rower and you can smoke him on the row any day. If you had good knees you'd be able to beat him on the runs like Andy does....Albert did you chicken out today?