Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday 100716

Clean, 1-rep max

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
200m run
10 Hang power snatch, 95#/65#
10 Back squats, 95#/65#
10 Pull-ups


danger said...

this is gonna be a tuff one in this heat. gross.

neway is there gonna be another 30 days challenge. id be up for one.. as long as its not a paleo challenge :)

Unknown said...

I'm probably going back to Paleo. Looking to drop five pounds to get to 175. Paleo sucks but it works.

the Treat! said...

Yeah, super gross workout today. Paleo totally works, however, when you do eat breads/dairy your body is unhappy about it... ;)

danger said...

yea albert u look quite trimmer!! and treat u already look good so... :)

paleo could def help me. i jsut cant seem to find that willpower inside me!! :-/

Unknown said...

Let the games begin:

Unknown said...

Thanks! There was a couple of times were I felt like a crack head when I was craving pop. I would just want to go to a gas station and shug a coke! I also love cheese and pasta but It can be done.

Unknown said...

If you guys have a chance go to and watch some of the live stream of the games. Great qulity.