Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wednesday 091202

Using a single 60lb dumbbell, 3 rounds, 15-12-9 reps of:
Thrusters right arm
Thrusters left arm
"One-arm" pull-up right arm (left hand grabs the right wrist)
"One-arm" pull-up left arm (right hand grabs the left wrist)

40lb dumbbell for girls. Scale weight as needed. We've got a few modifications for the one-armed pull-ups, so no excuses for passing on this new WOD.

So what do you think will give first during the workout - lungs, legs, shoulders, grip, biceps, other?

Reminder: Self defense class at CrossFit Roselle this Saturday at 12:00PM. This will be put on by Joe Sipari, Trainer for Blauer Tactical Systems. You can read more about the SPEAR system here. This event is free to CrossFit Roselle members, $20 for all others. Please let me know if you are interested in attending.


Unknown said...

For me it will be legs first then grip

N Domis said...

I think it will be grip then shoulders for me.

the Treat! said...

15:28 but I'm sure I messed up my hands and form more than improved my "one-armed pull-up" abilities. 25# thrusters, ring pull up-ish things.

5:05 for 5 rounds of:
10 14# med ball cleans
10 abmat situps

Unknown said...

This one was wierd and hard. If you have time shave your wrists before doing this. My hair getting pulled off my wrist is what hurt the most.

Used a 40lb dumbell, should have done more, did jumping 1 arm pull ups with negatives coming down.

Guille said...

My mind will give first. Then everything else.

Kathy said...

Don't know but my evening plans got canceled so I should be there at 6pm, 7 at the latest, is this yet another new WOD that the HQ team has added to the mix? Seems like we have had 3 or 4 new Wods in the last month.

Action Andrew said...

I think the grip and shoulders will prolly give first, and then everything else (along with the mind like G said)

Oh by the way, I successfully made it to day 3 of the 60 day challenge! :)

Eric said...

The biggest problem with this workout is that we don't even have 60lb dumbbells at the gym. I'm going to have to decide if using a 70lb kettle bell would qualify me to say I did it "RX". Otherwise, I might have to duct tape 2 2 1/2 plates to a 55lb dumb bell.

Unknown said...

Funny Eric.

Jason said...

Eric, I've got a present waiting for you at the gym! It's all yours for the WOD today.

the Treat! said...

Haha, that'll teach you to be smarmy, Eric... :) He made that this morning. It's almost as if you were psychic!

Way to show up this morning, Kathy. We were all like, "She said she was going to be here, right?" Boo! Come to 6am tomorrow!Also, congrats on making it to day 3, Action!

Eric said...

Awesome job on the workout today Jason! Completing that many weighted one-handed pull ups is just amazing.

I just finished reading all 400+ comment posts on the main site. I counted two credible posts of people claiming to have done this workout RX'd with 60# weighted pull ups.

Most people mis-interpreted the initial post, like I did, and assumed the pull ups were un-weighted.