Monday, December 14, 2009

Tuesday 091215

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Bonus Round, if you're up for it:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Squat jumps

Eric brought in an Indo balance board for us to play with for a few days. It's a lot of fun but dangerous at the same time - just ask Jessica. JJ looks about as happy as a kid waking up on Christmas morning.


Andy said...

That balance toy is cool. I almost ate it, but only tried it once.

This morning's counts:
Andy: 135 * 155* 205 * 215
Norberto: 95 * 135 * 155 * 135 * 135
Liliana: 55 * 75 * 95 * 105 * 110
Nena: 55 X 5

Andy: 4:04
Norberto: 5:19
Liliana: 5:11
Nena: 6 --> 3:26

Bonus was a good burn for the legs!

N Domis said...
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N Domis said...

Yes! I almost ate the floor yesterday a few times on the balance board. But when you finally get it down its pretty fun.

Andy said...

oops, I missed one of my sets. I did 185 right after 155 and before 205...

Kathy said...

Just ran 5 X 400 outside, not sure if it was the cold or the running but my lungs are burning, have a Christmas party at work today and then another one at 7 in city. I may try to sneak the squat workout in at lunchtime.. GLOBO gym (I forgot what that place looks like on the inside) Hope to back crossfit tomorrow evening. My shoulder is doing better but still not a 100% I am blaming the combo of one arm snatch and lunges followed by the toes to bar wall balls last week, by Saturday morning my delts where JELLO.

Action Andrew said...

45 day challenge, day 1

Jeremy said...

135, 135, 155, 185, 225
Bonus: 2:45

the Treat! said...

Hahaha, Action, you crack me up! :) Good luck with that... I think I'm gaining weight. Muscle mass, but of course... ;) Kathy!! How did you do in the competition?

No comments on that dumb balance thing. (Just kidding... it's cool. Until it takes your pride and slams it into the ground hip first.)

the Treat! said...

Also! Will there be a 9am this Saturday? That is all. :) Night!