Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
If you're unfamiliar with this movement, we'll drop the weight, increase the reps, and work on form/technique.Bonus round!!!
AMRAP in 6 minutes of:
For fun: guess the 2 bonus round movements.
Hint: there's 1 pulling movement and 1 pushing movement.
Gus is currently in first place for the December referral contest. Norberto is a close second. It's not to late - get those referrals in by the end of the month for a chance to win a free month membership or weightlifting shoes!
squat and snatch
This morning's result:
Andy: 115, 135, 155, 175, 185F, 185
Erin: 55, 65, 75, 85, 95F, 95F, 95
Bonus Round:
AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
Andy: 8 Rounds + 2??
Erin: 6 Rounds + 5??
Go today to see what the bonus round was. It was worth it...Got the heart pumping.
Push Up and Pull ups for the bonus. See you guys at 6pm. Could not wake up this morning.
see u guys at 6. i hope its good bc i feel like a marshmallow woman from allt he food and drinks this weekend :o(
So far you both are wrong on the bonus round.
Medball cleans and shots?
2nd hint: there are "bars" involved.
SDHP and Push Press
60 day challenge, day 8! :)
will prolly be there at 5 or 6 today. see you guys there!
Hint 3: 2 separate hinge joints will come together during both movements. Dead giveaway!!!
Action, what does day 8 mean? 8 days since you started dieting, or 8 days since you followed a diet?
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