For time:
Wall ball, 10 reps
Toes to bar, 25 reps
Wall ball, 20 reps
Toes to bar, 20 reps
Wall ball, 30 reps
Toes to bar, 15 reps
Wall ball, 40 reps
Toes to bar, 10 reps
Wall ball, 50 reps
Toes to bar, 5 reps
The new wall ball targets are ready just in time for today's WOD. So does everyone agree that the kettle bell symbol looks more like a combination lock? What do you think about the main site WOD?
60 day challenge, day 12! :)
See you guys all at the xfit party tonight!
Don't forget the Crossfit Christmas Party tonight at Cousin's pub starting at 7 going until well until the last person walks out...
Thank god we aren't doing the main site workout..
toes to bar! ugh...
This morning was myself, Norberto and Jessica. Jessica did Roselle's WOD and Norberto and I did main site WOD. Let me tell you, it SUCKED. I am NAUSEOUS. It was not hard getting to the inverted hang and definately not hard coming down. We basically just fell down. The hard part was coming down slowly. That we couldn't do. But, like I said I got very nauseous from that.
Norberto: 3 Rounds + 1 inverted
Andy: All 5 Rounds with possible puking sometime today.
Jessica: Sorry I didn't get your time. I am feeling sick from the WOD.
I'm sure Jessica was quite relieved that you guys didn't do toes to bar, given the recent knees to elbows incident...
Eric, which knees to elbows incident was that?
At first glance it does look like a combination lock. Then after remembering where I'm at I see the little bitty kettlebell.
By the way be glad you're doing wall balls today. That inverted ring workout made me very sick. I still don't feel well.
It's 2 hours after the workout and I aslo still don't feel well.
lovely pic of your icons jason.
Even though I subbed knees to elbows, today's workout was rough! I used the 14# med ball... and don't remember my time either. 17 something.
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