Run 800m
50 chest to bar pull-ups
Run 800m
50 dead lifts, 225#
Run 800m
50 toes to bar
Run 800m
50 burpees, 1-foot target
We'll scale this WOD to your individual fitness level so that you are able to complete within the allotted time.
We still have a ways to go to reach our goal of $1000 in donations as a group for fight gone bad IV. This event raises money for Athletes For A Cure (http://www.athletesforacure.
You gotta be kidding with this workout. We won't finish this within an hour. I'll try it.
I will not be able to make it today. I know..., but it's not because of today's WOD. We have a scrimmage and have to be at Hoffman Estates by 5:50.
WTF? This WOD sucked? It wasn't a joke. I thought Jason was messing with us. He really wants all of you to do this. Its not as bad as it looks until you're about hallfway through. I compare this to a filthy fifty ass whippin. 47:46.
Make sure you're eating right throughout the day or you will meet Pukie.
DAM I WILL BE THERE!! Peewee I will be getting to scrimmage a little late but I will be there.
JJ, you won't make the scrimmage til 6:45pm or 7pm.
Were you (Norberto) the only one who showed up this morning?
Were you (Jason) late to work?
It was me, Liliana, Vince and Lidia. I'm assuming Jason was late.
I was just staring into space for a good amount of time... eating celery and beef...some almonds... We need to get a few video cameras at the gym running at all times... In the past month we've missed my failed dismount off the high bar, Gus's crotch slap with the resistance band, AND Gus's backward somersault off the rower. All of these mishaps would have looked incredible at various speeds and from multiple angles.
I agree. Thats a great idea
Maybe Vince could set something up with some Apple equipment... there's gotta be an iSpycam or something.
Norberto comes back to the gym after being out for a week and a half, and all of a sudden there's 10 postings, John is back to his hilarious thoughts... CrossFit Roselle? No, CrossFit Norberto!
Don't le him scare you off from today's WOD. Remember, he was off for a week and a half - he was wrecked after the stretching!
Jason's got some good points. Glad to bring some life to this blog. John does say some funny stuff.
Its a good workout. The week off was great but I paid for it today.
It was a tough WOD but I do have to say that it good. My foot was really hurting and I was still able to finish.
Purple band for chest to bar.
95 lbs on deadlifts.
Glad to be back. See you guys in the morning.
I have to agree with Liliana. It was a tough workout, but a good one! Thanks Jason =)
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