Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday 090917


For time:
50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 060615.

Who knew that if we did a bunch of pull-ups, running, and heavy lifting on the main site rest day, we'd have to do it again the next day? That's the beauty of the program - totally unpredictable! Don't worry, we'll have an alternate WOD available if you have more than two tears on your hands...


Unknown said...

I'm in. Never done a Daniel WOD before this will be interesting. It should definately take less time than yesterday.

N Domis said...

Im in. It does look Intersting. Will be there at 5 maybe 6. Traffic has picked up the last few days.

Unknown said...

Jason watch this.

How come everyone's not on Beyond the White Board. Lets go man, its free and a great way to keep track of your stuff. Lets go sign up at

Jason said...

Don't go getting all cocky on me Norberto - I'm still waiting...

Unknown said...

I'm trying to get everyone signed up on beyondthewhiteboard.

Unknown said...

Whats up with the t-shirts? I'm getting close to fitting into a Large now.

George said...

Norberto, you need to eat something, you're gonna fade away soon.

Kathy said...

GEORGE! You are back, we miss you!

Today's workout wasn't so bad, the second 50 pull ups was tough everything else was alright..