Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday 090725

Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:

10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Back extensions

Post rounds completed to comments.

Seeing that today's WOD doesn't include any pull-ups or gripping of bars, your excuse that your hands hurt too bad isn't going to fly. See you at 9 or 10 AM!


Unknown said...

This one looks fun see you guys at 9am.

Andy said...

This was good workout..I feel good now....Thanks Jason for pushing me on my last reps of GHD situps and back extensions...

Good luck for those who will be at the Latino Casino

...and see you all on Monday

the Treat! said...

I did a pullup today!!! Actually, I did 7. :) I loved this workout. AFterwards, I felt exhausted but not like I was going to die or puke. Did I mention I did a PULLUP???? ;D

Jason said...

Way to go, Jess! Pretty soon you'll be putting 2-3 kipping pull-ups together. Andy, I think you looked just like your photo after today's WOD. Nice job on catching your bro!

15 rounds plus 9 wall ball shots.

Unknown said...

Great job Jessica. Feels good doesn't it? Damn Jason I almost had you.