Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday 090529

30 Muscle-ups for time

Post time to comments.

If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.

Compare to 090412.

We finally topped off the new box jumps - it only took a month to finish them. To think we still have 6 more to cut out and put together makes me a bit nauseous. They look a bit 'Smurf'ish in this photo if you ask me, but not so much in person. Thanks to everyone who helped out with making them!


Unknown said...

They look good.
This workout is exactly what I need. Especially since I've been slacking on my pull ups in the warm ups. I welcome today's WOD. See you guys later.

eortega101 said...

Nice job on the boxes.

I agree with Norberto. I need more work on my pull ups. Should be a good one. Talk to you guys later.

Kathy said...

I am taking the day off.. my body says so.

See you all Saturday morning!

Jay Biddy said...

Jason, paint those things black....quickly!

John said...

I dig the Smurfish look. Jumping on boxes, and CrossFitting in general, is easier and significantly more enjoyable when attempting to emulate a fictional creature from 80s television. I will most likely pretend I am Bull from Night Court whilst performing today's muscle-ups.