Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday 090515

Main site rest day.

CrossFit Roselle:

Kathy's birthday surprise WOD

I'm not exactly sure how this is going to go, but just show up ready for some fun!!!

Maybe fun is a bit too much. Just show up ready for a great workout in honor of Kathy's recent 30th birthday on 090511. Will it involve thirty reps of something? Maybe 5 rounds? Who knows, maybe it will all depend on what mood I'm in today...I'm feeling pretty good so far!


Kathy said...

Sounds interesting very interesting!

I would love to call the work out the Dirty Thirty! ;)

Jeremy said...

I think Hansen is a good one!!! It was a walk in the park!!


Five rounds for time of:
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Burpees
30 Glute-ham sit-ups

George said...

How about just doing the "Walk in the Park", my abs are toast!

John said...

Yeah Kathy, just do Hansen... a good way to follow up all them ghd situps from yesterday.

I've seen other affiliates use "Dirty Thirty." Although the rhyminng/assonance/consonance is pretty nice, there's no alliteration. And as we all know, alliteration is pretty great. "Thirteen Thirties" would be original and would satisfy our mutual desire for an alliteratively-titled wod.

Kathy said...

13 30's would be great

Lets see?
30 Pull ups - chest to bar
30 kettlebell swimgs
30 Overhead squats
30 situps
30 push ups
30 lunges
30 ring dips
30 double unders
30 medicine ball cleans
30 push presses
30 broad jumps
30 air sqauts
30 turkish get ups

Unknown said...

I am totally going to enjoy this much needed rest day.

John said...

The possibilities are endless, of course. I have a really good "ladder" idea, but I am not going to be in today, and I want to try it some day. But it's not my job to make up wods, anyways.

John said...

But if Jason needs help on coming up with a number-themed wod...

30 one-legged double unders (L)
5 one-arm inverted burpees (L)
11 one-legged overhead squats (L, 30lb Dbell)
79 clapping one-arm handstand box jumps (L, over Kaiser, 30in box)
79 clapping one-arm handstand box jumps (R)
11 one-legged overhead squats (R, 30lb Dbell)
5 one-arm inverted burpees (R)
30 one-legged double unders (R)
.... 30 rounds

John said...


Drink George's protein shake (30g protein)
5 rounds
11 ghd situps
79 forward rolls

Kathy said...


I like how you incorpoarated my day of birth into that :) You are funnier and smarter then the average yellow car driving guy as well!

Unknown said...

I think the 79 Rollovers might get hard at about 10.

Action Andrew said...

Hey guys! I seem to have been missing all the fun! :( But I did buy a car, took me 2 days to complete the deal because had to have it properly checked out to make sure it wasn't a lemon ;)

I'm goin to the cubs game tomorrow so will miss the saturday workout. Will see you all on Monday! Hope you all have a good weekend!