Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday 050309

CrossFit Roselle closed.

Here are a couple pics of the new gym. Terrible shots, so I'll post some better ones soon. Thanks to everyone who helped out on Saturday. Turns out that making box jumps is a much longer project than anticipated. They are far from being done. I'll be at it again today, so if you didn't get a chance to stop by to see the new place, feel free to come on by. Thanks Eric for supplying a ton of tools!


Andy said...

Looks like a great size. I need to stop by to take a look at it

the Treat! said...

Hey, the new place looks so much bigger! I think I'll be over my cold and in on Monday at 7... are we still at the original place?

George said...

The place looks great Jason. I was getting use to working out in close quarters.

Here is my new avatar for now. It isn't me as a baby but my co-workers have said it looks like me so I will post it here for now.

George said...

Here is a video of the Paleo shake for those that are interested.

Andy said...

That shake looks sort of gross, but like he said it's not bad. One day maybe I'll try that.

Check this crossfitter out that I found from surfing youtube after the Paleo shake presentation.

George said...

Murph looks impossible. In this video Crossfit Houston put crossfit regulars against UFC fighters. The UFC fighters dropped out after the 1st round.