Monday, December 22, 2008



Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

I-beam pull-ups during "Cindy" in
my dad's basement.
And no, that's not belly button sweat,
I wiped my forehead with my shirt.


Jeremy said...

I saw this last night and had nightmares about it! I completed it in 37:45 but had to scale down reps due to time constraints. I did the first two rounds as Rx'd. Rounds 3, 4, and 5 cut the kettle swings and pull ups to 15 each. It was still one hell of a workout!

Unknown said...

Andres and I did this one this morning at Crossfit El Paso in El Paso Texas. We had to cut it at 40 minutes. I was able to get through 3 rounds plus most of the 4th round minus 20 pull ups. This one was bad. Oh and I scaled the kettlebell to 53lbs instead of 75lbs.

Jason said...

I did this late last night. I've got a lot of excuses about how my time could be better, but I'll save them for myself. As Rx'd in 46:53. 800m runs in the snow. My right shoulder felt fine during the WOD, but it hurts this morning. I picked up a couple of the foam rollers, Norberto, so I'll start using those as therapy.

Eric said...

Ouch, Jason! Here's a good site on how to use the foam roller: . The shoulder is a tough spot to roller out, though. You can also make a smaller pressure point item out of two tennis balls taped together with sports tape.

Unknown said...

Eric has a good idea with the two balls or you can also use a softball.

Damn running the 800's in the snow. Power to you man.