95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
Post rounds completed to comments.
My brother, Jerome. Not exactly sure what
he was thinking here, but I thought it was a
pretty cool pic. He's probably thinking about
how he wishes he could beat my time in
I really wanted to do today's WOD, but it's extremely shoulder intensive, and I have to take it easy for the next few weeks if I'm ever going to get back to 100%. I passed on this WOD and did the one from Saturday, 12/20/08
Four rounds, each for time of:
800 meter run
Rest as needed between efforts.
2:41, 2:54, 2:55, 2:59
Due to the weather, this was on a treadmill with an incline of 1. I rested the same time as it took to run each split.
Smartass!! I've beat you at plenty! I did today's workout with 6 reps. I was feeling very sluggish and that is the 1st time I haven't scaled that workout. I was dripping with sweat when I was done. I followed with 30 minutes of cardio and I got to use my new speed rope!
Uh Jason, Didn't Jeremy just smoke you on Cindy?
I'm just giving you a hard time, bro! Nice job on completing as Rx'd.
Eric, He did have more rounds than me for Cindy, but I was doing modified pull-ups on the I-beam. You can't really kip doing them, so I think they're a bit harder and slower than regular pull-ups. That's my excuse anyways!
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