9 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 95#/65#
15 Knees to elbows
Immediately followed by as many rounds as possible in 10 min of:
21 Kettle bell swings, 55#/35#
15 Abmat sit-ups
Post rounds completed of each to comments.
CrossFit Roselle will be starting a diet blog where members can exchange ideas on eating, etc. But until then, what are some of the changes you have made (or plan to make) since starting the Challenge?
For one, stay away from snacking here and there on candy
I am eating salad.. Yes hard to believe.
Looking forward to posting on the diet blog. I'm already eating pretty well. I'm going to reduce saturated fat intake starting in December. It's not directly as a result of the fitness challenge, more so a desire to further reduce my cholesterol counts ahead of my next lipid panel in mid-January.
Alcohol, only red wine or Vodka and soda's if any at all :( and sticking as close to zone/paleo as humanly possible
I will not be measuring my foods, but I will be eating a portion of the following: Protein, Carbs and good Fats.
I will be eating less pastas, rice and breads.
This workout was crazy torture on the forearms.
Not up on Whiteboard yet, so here are the numbers as of 5pm session:
Set 1: 65# - 4 Rounds
Set 2: 35# - 4 Rounds
Set 1: 75# - 3 Rounds
Set 2: 55# - 2 Rounds + 15 + 8
Andy (RX)
Set 1: 95# - 5 Rounds
Set 2: 55# - 4 Rounds + 15
Guille (RX)
Set 1: 95# - 4 Rounds
Set 2: 55# - 4 Rounds + 8
Tina (RX)
Set 1: 65# - 3 Rounds + 12
Set 2: 35# - 4 Rounds + 21 + 8
I've read up on the Paleo and will be trying to follow that. The biggest change I could make to my diet, which is one they recommend, is to cut out all the breads/pastries/etc which are my downfall. Portion size is also tough for me and something to work on, though I don't have the gear to measure in detail... ;)
Dr. Sears' recommendation on portion size in part 7 of his videos on journal.crossfit.com is very helpful. Each meal should consist of a serving of protein, preferably poultry or fish the size of your palm. The rest of the plate, approximately 3 times the size of the protein portion should consist of colorful vegetables. When you've attained your desired weight, you can start adding some healthy fats.
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