Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday 091116


For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Post time to comments.

Compare to 090926.

What goes around, comes around! We missed "Angie" when it came around last time on September 26th, 2009. That was the day the gym memorably participated in "Fight Gone Bad IV." Thankfully, the main site brought "Angie" back around for us to try today.

Waiting for FGB IV to start.


Kathy said...

Thankfully my hands are recovered from last week and the rest of the week will be legs!

Liliana said...

My hands are not totally recovered from last week, but I did better then I thought. Pull ups and push ups are not the easiest for me. This was a first time on this work out for me.

Have fun this evening everyone!

30:45 for me!

Unknown said...

Angie felt good even with torn hands already. This morning's results:

Andy - 24:29
Norberto - 27:10
Liliana - 30:45

All Rx.

Jason said...

Nice job on the Rx Liliana! I'll be back today for the PM classes. See you all soon!

Andy said...

This WOD actually felt good and was not as bad as I thought it would be. This was my 3rd time doing this and felt great.

Hands retore a bit, but not bad

Very happy with new PR! I don't remember what my previous time was, but definately over 30 minutes...possibly over 35 minutes.

Congratulations on Level 2 Cert and Welcome back, Jason!