Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday 090820


For time:
150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball

Post time to comments.

Compare to 090323.

Okay, so after a certain someone posted a comment the other day, I've ordered some new bars/bumpers for the gym. Med balls will be next. So for the time being, we'll have to do today's WOD in two or more groups. The others will work on a technique of Norberto's, I mean my, choosing.


N Domis said...

It looks like this work out is going to suck. I will be there at 5pm.

Unknown said...

It does suck but only for a minute. This one is another mind screw. Its so easy to want to quit becasue its so many reps. Good luck evening classes.

Can't wait to see the new equipment coming.

Jason said...
