Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday 090807

I've got a few different WOD's up my sleeve depending upon how many people show up this morning. We'll probably do one of the following:

5 rounds for time of:
15 push presses, 115#
30 kettle bell swings, 1.5 pood
15 sumo deadlift high pulls, 115#


7 rounds for time of:
21 push ups
15 sumo deadlift high pulls, 2 pood
9 kettle bell swings, 2 pood

REMINDER!!! CROSSFIT ROSELLE WILL BE CLOSED FOR TODAY'S PM CLASSES! We will be holding the 6 AM session as scheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience.


N Domis said...

Man I woke up this morning for work out but my hands were and still killing me. Ill see you guys hopefully saturday.

Unknown said...

Sorry Jason. Everyone went too bed way to late last nigh to get up this morning.

Andy said...

I tried, but the parents here and things going on causing to go to sleep late, it's hard to wake up.

I will have to miss Saturday's WOD too. This Sat, we have football practice.

Unknown said...

excuses excuses............

Anyway, we ended up doing something completely different than posted.

6 power snatches (45lbs for me, 65 for eric)
12 box jumps (sissy box for me, regular one for Eric)
18 kb swings (55lbs for me, 85(?) for Eric

five rounds

My time 13:37 Eric was a few seconds after me. The KB swings were the killer in this one for me.