Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday 090715

5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Compare to 090403.

We've hit our legs hard for the past 2 days, so if you're too sore for today's WOD, I'll have something else for you to do. Just get your butt to the gym!

Great turnout yesterday at the 6 PM class! Let's keep it going! Let everyone know that we are still running membership specials, so they need to come sign up now. The current special includes a waiver of the foundations fee and no long term contract required!


Dolphin said...
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Unknown said...

Is this one of George's postings?

I'm in for Nancy. I'm not that sore. I just need to see what my knee does.

N Domis said...

I will be there today..

Andy said...

My legs are fine. I'm in for "Nancy".

George said...

Hi Everybody i´m here in mexico, and have a chance to say hi. I will be doing my crossfit today at around 3pm. Jason, please delete this chinese posting, it is an advertisement. As you can read, i only write about crossfit stuff in chinese.
don´t l click on the links.

hope all is well!

Kathy said...

Won't be there tonight. Message to all members, Wednesday is wakeboard wednesday at the marina, Check it out, it is free lesson sform pro's and just a cool way to meet a few new people. I am heading there tonight at 5, it goes on til mid August. If the weather is nice I'll be attending the rest of the summer.

Jeremy said...

13:30 for me today. I'm fighting a shin splint so the running was pretty uncomfortable. I also subbed to 75lbs. What can I say, I'm weak.

Jason said...

Nice job, Jerome! John and I finished neck and neck at 13:12. I was at 14:34 last time.