Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday 090714

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95# sumo deadlift high pull, 5 reps
100m sprint uphill
mountain climbers, 10 reps (a rep is counted when each foot is brought up to the hands 5 times, followed by 1 push up)
100m sprint downhill

We tried a bit of different warm-up yesterday during the 5 PM class. What did you think?


Eric said...

Great warmup! It's nice to be really warmed up before the WoD. Warming up as a group is a good motivator. I'd prefer doing static stretches at the end of the warmup, or to do mobility drills instead.

I'd like to do the "Upside down, Double under" Wod from the CF Journal dated July 6th sometime:

4 rounds:
Clean and carry a dummy up and back the length of the gym
20 double-unders
5 handstand push-ups

Possibly sub dumbell clean and farmer's walk for the carry.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I thought the group warm up was good. Part of the reason why I do Crossfit is because you have a coach to train and watch you as you go through a workout. I know if I was on my own I wouldn't complete nearly as much work as I do with a coach. Having a coach that get us through the warm up helps a big deal when you're a lazy ass like myself.

I have a questions for everyone, does anyone take any kind of supplements natural or otherwise? Don't answer if you take illegal stuff don't care to know. Anyone take anything other than a multivitamin? If so let us know what it is and what it does.

N Domis said...

I liked the warm up. I will be there today at 5. Peewee I drink protein after every work out if its heavy lifting.

Eric said...

I take several supplements, but the only two I can objectively justify are the fiber and multi-vitamin. My diet contains less than the minimum required amounts of fiber, vitamin D, and magnesium on most days. It's also borderline on calcium and potassium.

Other supplements that I take because of things I've heard or read include fish oil, glucosamine/chondroitin, brewer's yeast, and lecithin. I'll also take extra vitamin D, and whey protein on occasion.

Jason said...

I take down some fish oil and a multivitamin every now and then, but not regularly. Same with protein powder. I'll sometimes take it in the morning with some oatmeal and PB, but that's about it.