Compare to 090118.
Experienced lifters will do this WOD as rx'd. For the not so experienced, we'll incorporate the movement into a couplet WOD.
Bonus round, anyone?
6 AM class starts Monday 090720 and will be held on M, W, and F.
Membership special continues - waiver of foundations fee and no long term contract!
At some time in the future, would there be any interest in a scheduled Olympic lifting class? We could devote an entire hour to a specific lift, and we could have it say on the 1st and 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7PM? That's just an example. We could work out the date(s) and time later.
Bonus round? Most likely.
Olympic lifting? Absolutely.
I am in for what ever work out. I just have to make sure im out of there by 6:15 the latest. We have our softball game at 6:30, any body is welcome to come check us out.
I will be taking the rest day today
yes bonus round! Yee haw! Tabata snatch! :P 45 for the ladies 65 for the gentleman
Ian, you up for some golfing on Sunday morning at 10am at Bloomingdale Golf Club? We're having a golf outing/bachelor outing form Albert, he's getting married to my sister next month. I have room for you if you want in. It will be $57 for cart and 18 holes
Haven't seen the street fighter face on the site in some time. Nice to have you back. I'm surprised Norberto hasn't been giving you grief like he has me. Any other takers on the Oly lift class?
I would totally do the Oly class! And YES bonus round! See you all soon...
155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220f.
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