Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday 090521


Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:
750 meter Row
20 Handstand Push-ups

115 pound Thruster, 20 reps
20 L-Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Does it work for everyone else if we bump up the moving time to 8:00 AM this Saturday? I think if we have a handful of people, it will only take a few hours to complete. That way we're done before noon.


George said...

My apologies to those that wanted to help at 9am. My daughter has a horseback riding competition and needs the truck after we move. I wanted to bump the time up to make sure we would have enough time to move. If there are people that can only help at 9, I think that would be fine too.

Unknown said...

I'm in for 8am. The earlier the better for me.

Being that we're a group of Crossfit people where sugar and too many carbs are a bad thing to eat, if I bring donuts will you guys eat them? If so I got the donuts. 1 or 2 won't hurt us. Especially since we'll be doing something physical.

eortega101 said...

Yeah I'm in for 8 am too. No worries. I'm a morning person anyway.

Donuts? Well, I hate to throw food away so I'm in too.

By the way, if anyone is interested we have a softball game today at 8:30 pm at the Roselle Clauss Center. It's only 5 minutes away from the gym. We're playing a tough team but we'll give it all we got.


Jeremy said...

Todays WOD a little difficult for me...I had to scale the thrusters to 95 and that was still tough. Also I did assisted L pull ups. 19:25. I've decided to add 95# thrusters to my warm up everyday, as that is a weak spot for me.

John said...

George, you're obviously lying.

I didn't even bring clothes to work out in today. As much as I want to do this one, my body is way furious with me for not resting enough and going on a sugar rampage last night.

Jason said...
