Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday 090508


135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed and post time and load to comments.

Compare to 080918.

Good news! The pull-up bars are being made and should be done in less than 2 weeks! As soon as they are completed and installed, we will be moving the equipment to the new gym.

If you are planning on working out this Saturday, please come to the 9 AM class. I will be heading to the new gym to work on the box jumps as soon as the class is over. Feel free to stop by to see the new place anytime after 11 AM. Any help is obviously appreciated.


Jeremy said...

As Rx'd in about 12 minutes. I really wasn't shooting for a good time, just trying to finish! I did the CFE running workout after.

Andy said...

Jason, what kind of pullup bars are you getting done and installing?

If you are getting rid of your current ones, let me know price and I'll take one

John said...

Oh yeah! If you're lookin' to get rid of them bars, I'd love one.

John said...

OK fine! I didn't want one anyways!

When are either of you guys coming back?

Unknown said...

I'll be back Monday. This was a very long needed break for me. My knees are feeling much better and surpisingly so are my shoulders.

I might get to the new place on Saturday maybe help Jason out. You going to be there Saturday John?

John said...

No I'm gonna be in South Bend for a wedding this weekend.

Jason said...

3:27. Power cleans.