Use 35-40% of your 1RM. Complete 3 reps every 30 seconds, exploding up from the squat as fast as possible. Hold the bar on your back until all 10 sets are completed.
5 Rounds for time of:
18' Rope climb, 1 ascent
3 Muscle ups
Modify/scale as follows:
1 Rope climb = 15 ring rows
3 MUs = 9 pull-ups/9 dips
Nena locks out her 5th thruster during Monday's 5x5.
Hey she's back.
What's up with the deletes? Congratulations to Matt H for getting his first unassisted pull-up yesterday!!! He decided to bypass the blue, red, and purple bands and just went for it. What's holding you back? Nice job Matt!
Damn I missed that. Good job Matt. I'm telling you, you're stronger than you think.
Thanks! Yesterday was a good day! However, if Fran comes back soon, my time may triple......
That's awesome, Matt! If it takes you longer to do Fran, it's cool because you did it RX!
Nena, welcome back and this time stay!
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