I am looking foward to Helen. I want to beat my prev time on this one. Fran was brutal today, but also got a new PR. How about that fall on my butt, while doing Fran. Hahahaha!
Congratulations to all who joined the fight to beat on Fran! She has always been a tough chick!!! I get nervous everytime I go to war against her. But, so far, I beat her little by little every time.
Previous time was 5:17. I'm already nervous that I won't beat that! :(
There she is. I've been waiting for you Fran. My best time before knee surgery was 8:09. Lets see where I get too today.
Sweet, I was just thinking about this today, that its been over a year since I last did it
5:01! New PR!
Andy, you still could have been faster. Nice job though on the new PR!
Also, way to go Sarah and Cate for completing Fran as Rx'd for the first time!!!
Congratulations, Sarah and Cate!
....and to all those who get a new PR on Fran today!
I am looking foward to Helen. I want to beat my prev time on this one. Fran was brutal today, but also got a new PR. How about that fall on my butt, while doing Fran. Hahahaha!
Congratulations to all who joined the fight to beat on Fran! She has always been a tough chick!!! I get nervous everytime I go to war against her. But, so far, I beat her little by little every time.
Again, congratulations to all.
Fran, until next time!!!!
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