Sunday, November 28, 2010

Monday 101129

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1
Push press 3-3-3-3-3
Push jerk 5-5-5-5-5

5 rounds for time of:
5 push-ups
5 burpees
5 squat jumps

30-Day Paleo Challenge starts today!!!  Who's in?  I know it's last minute, but if you knew ahead of time, you would have gone all out this Thanksgiving Weekend.  Weigh-ins and pre-challenge photos will be taken for those interested.  For ideas on recipes, just google paleo/caveman diet, living primal, etc.  You can also click here for a list of good and bad food sources and recipes. Post recipes, helpful tips, etc. to comments so everyone can follow along.  Good luck!


Andy said...

Can't wait!!!!

Kate said...

Unfortunately, I can't do the Paleo Challenge this time around (I gotta eat dairy...). But, I am fasting from all sweets with you guys and am slowly getting back to eating cleanly!

Good luck everyone! You guys can do it!

Unknown said...

I'm in. Hoping I can get thru the full month or at least a couple of weeks.

Risebelow said...

1:40 on the five rounder at the end is the time to beat

Andy said...

Great time, Emmitt...Now, I'm even more nervous!

I am going to beat that with the 20# vest on too!!! I'm playing, not wearing it...but great time to beat. It's on!

Monty said...

who else is hungry?

Andy said...

Emmitt, awesome time. I couldn't even get close to yours. Mine was 2:19. Definately, harder than I thought. Legs were burning!!!!

Jason, lets do this 30 days from now. I woul like to increase in my shoulder wod and get sub 2 minutes on the Pushup, Burpee, Jump Squat wod