Second, I'd also like to wish happy birthday to one of CrossFit Roselle's trainers, Eric. He's also one of our first members, and he started CrossFit exactly 2 years ago today. This picture was taken when he first started - check out the hair!
In honor of Eric's 54th birthday and his 2-year CrossFit anniversary, we will be completing the following workout:
2 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
400m Run
50 Box jumps, 24"/20"
40 Push ups
5 Rope climbs
4 Muscle ups
We can scale/modify as needed. Bring your hat, gloves, sweatshirts, etc., because its going to be chilly during the run!!!
Also, happy birthday to my brother Jeremy and my nephew Kobe!!!
Wow! Lots of birthdays! Happy Birthday Dara! Great photo. And Happy Birthday to you too Eric!
Happy Birthday to Dara, Eric, Jeremy and Kobe! Happy Anniversary to Eric.
Thanks Eric, today's wod looks crazy. If you wear shorts, bring your long socks for the rope climbs.
Happy B Day to all, Now we know what Jason is doing all night while helping with the baby,
POWER WOD PLANNING, LOL, should be fun.
happy bday dara-eric-jeremy-kobe! wow - 2 years eric! thanks for the wod jason - omg.
Happy birthday Dara. Happy Birthday Eric. Awesome hair.
Happy birthday Jeremy and Kobe.
And how exactly do we modify the rope climb and the muscle ups? Pull ups for the rope climb and muscle up progressions for the muscle ups?
Happy B-day to all! Hope you guys have a blessing day and wonderful day!Eric and Jason I'm scared and nervous of the WOD.
That is a beautiful pic of Dara and little MJ(Chancho)hehehehe!
Happy Birthday Dara and Eric!!! Happy Birthday to Jeremy and Kobe also. See you guys at 430.
Happy B-day Dara and Eric!
Jason and Eric you are both Masochists!
Happy birthday to all wow! I really want to do this on in honor of Eric's birthday. Not that it doesn't look tough... =)
Jason, I'd like shot at this one next week. =)
Happy to all. Hope everyone had a great day.
Eric congrats on 2 yrs. anniversary! Times flies when you're having fun.
Great workout! I'd love to get another crack at it in a few months to see if I can finish it Rx'd.
Loved the workout! Happy birthday guys!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eric and Dara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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