Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday 101018

Max height box jump
Handstand walks/holds

21-15-9 reps of:
Push press
Suitcase deadlift, right arm (hold bar to side of body, like you're picking up a luggage bag)
Suitcase deadlift, left arm

Men 135#, women 95#. Scale as needed.

Thanks to everyone who participated in Saturday's Barbell for Boobs charity event - we had a great time! For those of you who received donation confirmation e-mails, you may have noticed it states you ordered a Men's Large t-shirt. This is incorrect - we ordered the size you indicated on the donation form. We will make sure you receive the correct t-shirt size.

Go to the CrossFit Roselle Facebook page and vote for your favorite t-shirt!

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