Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thursday 100107

5 rounds of the following:
Max rep body weight bench press
Max rep 1/2 body weight sumo deadlift high pulls

Rest as needed between exercises/rounds.

Check out this article about rhabdo. Though it is a rare occurrence following a CrossFit workout, it's important to be aware of the symptoms. Thanks for pointing this out, Kathy.


Unknown said...

This one actually looks fun. Too bad I'll be taking a rest day.

Jason said...

If anyone is interested in purchasing anything from the CrossFit store, you can get 40% off today and tomorrow - here's how:

Use discount code FilFest2010 to receive 40% OFF your entire order(s). Be sure to hit "APPLY" at checkout.

We will be getting some new CrossFit Roselle t-shirts soon, FYI.

Eric said...

Lemme guess, new t-shirts: Pukie the Clown?