Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday 090819

Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps.

For those of you that are newer to this movement, we will scale it back and work on form with more reps.

Bonus round challenge today! Details at the gym.

Check out Norberto's hops! Where did that jump come from?


George said...

I will bring in some more Blueberries today. So bring your baggies!!!

N Domis said...

I will be there at 5.

Kathy said...

Norberto's eating jumping beans again!

Unknown said...

HA! HA! HA! Jumping beans. Thats hilarious. I was never able to jump that high before Crossfit. Either way its still a waste of energy for a double under. You can see I need to improve on those.

Kathy said...

Does anyone have a case of Crossfit ass today? Mine is painful, I need to keep some glide in my bag for these mass sit up days!Seriously if its not my hands its my rear end...youch I need to seriously research the chaffing on sit ups.. its not fun!

Eric said...

Post a picture. I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about Kathy.

George said...


Don't worry, I'll show Eric in person. My arse has been rubbed raw.

John said...

I never get that butt burn anymore. I have only had it a few times. The first time was awful. Emily actually walked in on me while I was bottomless, standing atop the bathroom counter, bent over in front of the mirror, applying Neosporin.

Kathy said...

LMAO... I searched on the internet today for "crossfit ass" couldn't find it! Looked for pictures too! Couldn't find those either... Maybe its a myth? But it can't be cause sitting in my car on the way to work this morning wasn't fun!

Unknown said...

I'm eating your blueberries George. They are very tasty!!


Unknown said...

Here's a thread I found on Crossfit Ass:

Action Andrew said...

Crossfit ass lol, so funny!

I should be there at 6 today (hopefully)


George said...

I have a cushion at work for the butt burn.

Hanneke, enjoy the blueberries!