Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday 101224

Santa told me that all Albert wanted for Christmas was his very own Birthday workout.  Well, here it is!!!

For time:
Run 400m
31 Overhead squats, 75#/55#
31 Push-ups
31 Deadlifts, 185#/125#
31 Pull-ups
Run 400m
31 Overhead squats, 75#/55#
31 Push-ups
31 Deadlifts, 185#/125#
31 Pull-ups
Run 400m

Happy Birthday Albert!!!

Dress warm if you're ready to tackle Albert's 31st birthday WOD head on.  Otherwise, you can sub rowing for the run.

Classes today at 9:30 & 10:30am.


Andy said...

can't make it and I wanted to do OH squats. Oh well

Unknown said...

What the heck? This will take him over a hour.

Andy said...

That's why he has 2 hours today. Albert is starting at 9:30

Cate said...

Happy Birthday Albert!

Unknown said...

Thanks Cate! Im at work you clowns. Andy got scared and decided to take a rest day like usual.

sarah duck said...

jason - i wanna do this on monday! can't come today.

Andy said...

at work??? Banks aren't even open! I know you are in the closet hiding. Caty go in the closet and sacalo de las greñas

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Crossfit Roselle

Lydia said...

Good workout! It was a toughy. Albert and Sarah you guys have to do this on Monday for sure.