Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday 101206

21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of:
115 pound Power snatch
Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
Knees to elbows

 Need help coming up with paleo recipes?  Check out the Primal Blueprint Cookbook for some great ideas (great pictures, too!)


Monty said...

Today's wod is exhausting. I don't know if its because I rushed my warm-up or if its because I worked out in the morning, but right now, 11:50am, I'm still feeling the effects. Go do this one!! Its a good challenge.

Unknown said...

I'm guessing the shoulders are going to suffer in this one. My gut still hurts from the 200 GHD situp attempt so those K2E should suck.

TARDI said...

killer on the legs afterwards - shoulders, not too bad