Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday 100804

Hang power clean, 1-rep max

For time:
5 rounds for time of:
10 hang squat snatch, 75#/55#
10 push ups
20 wall ball, 20#/14#


Risebelow said...

inspirational vid of the day...this is a reminder to tell yourself what you can do and don't make "excuses" go out there and give it your all and that is all that matters.!

Monty said...

That video proves that who we are has nothing to do with our bodies, rather, the spirit that drives our bodies. That's why, to me, Crossfit is more than exercise - it's meditation.

Catalina Diaz said...

Wow - Amazing

sarah duck said...

catalina - you need a picture...have napoleon help you pick one out!