Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday 100826

Power snatch, 1-rep max

5 rounds for time of:
15 squats holding kettlebell, 55#/35#
5 walking lunges
15 push-ups
5 walking lunges
15 kettlebell swings, 55#/35#


Liza said...

anyone going at noon? can anyone else barely move because they are so sore? lol.

Kathy said...

Death by 5 round huh?

Shhesh see you tonight

Andy said...

Liza, I was there at noon. :) My legs are so sore!

The hardest part was the dumbell squats.

Risebelow said...

FGB variation of mine

Fight gone run?

1 round 20# vest
400m run before each set of exercises
your 1 minute starts when you get back from the run. so it would look like this.

400m run
max wall balls in 1 min
400m run
max sdhp
400m run
max push press
400m run
max box jumps
400m run
max cals on rower