Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday 100809

Back squat, 5-rep max

For time:
Row 250m
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 clean and jerks, 185#/125#
15 ring dips
25 burpees

Fight Gone Bad V is just around the corner (end of September). Last year we traveled to St. Charles to participate. We have two different options this year - Chicago or St. Charles. Where would you prefer to participate?


Liza said...

Fight gone bad V....sounds interesting. but what exactly IS it??

sarah duck said...

it's something like this liza:

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball 10 ft target (Reps),
Sumo deadlift high-pull 75 pounds (Reps),
Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps),
Push-press 75 pounds (Reps),
Row (Calories).

1 minute rest in between rounds.


Risebelow said...

this is the chicago location. for FGB V

I'm def going to the chicago guys should def get in on this whatever location you choose :)

Jeremy said...

I prefer Chicago.

Guille said...

You do each movement for 1 minute each with no resting between movements until your done with all movements to complete 1 round. Rest 1 minute in between rounds.

Kathy said...

Liza its like a fight gone bad, or in rugby terms, last 5 minutes of the game your down by 5 and your in your own 22, this is like a rucking, mauling running to get that 5 points on the board....

Three rounds - 4 minutes on 1 off
1 min of Wall balls
1 minute of sumo dead lift high pulls 65lb
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of push press - 65lbs
1 minute of rowing

1 minute of rest and then all over again.