Monday, April 19, 2010

Tuesday 100420

Clean one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.
Post the highest and lowest loads to comments.

Tabata sit-ups.

CrossFit Roselle will soon be holding CrossFit Kids classes! More information to follow...


danger said...

Thx for postin early dad!

Adrianna said...

What's the max age for the kid's class?! Maybe I'd finally be able to do at least one WOD Rx'd...

Andy said...

Everything betwwen my knees and my waist is super sore. thanks for yesterday's lunges and squats

Unknown said...

Crossfit Kids!!! Can't wait.

Unknown said...

Does anyone know if the classes are going to be at the same time as the existing classes?

Liliana said...

Albert, I don't think Jason has said anything about times yet.

the Treat! said...

Just in case anyone else out there was skeptical like me, I finally got to see Action's ring muscle up.

It not only exists, it was like cake for him; seriously, I don't even think he kipped!! :) I officially add my congratulations, Action! :)

Action Andrew said...

haha thanks! :)