Monday, April 5, 2010

Tuesday 100406

Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

AMRAP in 6 minutes of:
12 wall ball shots
7 ring dips

Olympic lifting class 7pm.

JJ gets his first muscle up...almost!


the Treat! said...

Haha, oh man! You were right there, Chicken Wings! :) You'll get it next time. I love the cheering.

Unknown said...

It's just not meant to be.

Andy said...

That was hilarous! You were real close.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Amanda and I did the Row Rest workout this morning. Congrats to Amanda for rowing 4000m today. Here were our times:

1600m - 8:00
1200m - 6:08
800m - 4:04
400m - 1:42

2000m - 8:12
1500m - 6:04
1000m - 4:16
500m - 1:51

It was refreshing

Eric said...

Well done Amanda! Oh yeah, you too Norberto.

I'm starting to wonder if there isn't someone else that's fated to get their muscle up before you, JJ. Who that might be? Any guesses?

danger said...

aint no thang but a chicken wang!!! ahahaha

almost JJ!!

whose next??? Kath??

Andy said...

I say kathy will get it...Oh will be a close one between Kathy and Action.

Action, we need yours on video

Action Andrew said...

LOL omg this is great. He looks like he is trying to peddle his way up there with his feet! JJ you so close, I think you will get it sometime this week, its all technique.

And Andy, I'm already in the muscle-up club! lol Hopefully I can replicate it though! :o

Goin in at noon today, see you guys there!

Jason said...

My money says JJ will get it today. Don't let me down! Action is already in the MU club - he did it again today. Nice job Action!

the Treat! said...

Action, post a video, man! We want to SEE it... ;) And The Treat's vote is on Kathy, then Guille.