Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday 100429

5 rounds for time of:
200m run
2 forward rolls
10 chest to bar pull-ups
10 dumbbell push-press (5 each arm), 55#/35#
200m dumbbell carry, 55#/35#


Unknown said...

Good job yesterday JJ.

Oh man wait til you guys get a load of those 2 little forward roles. Ask Jason to demo them to you a few times first just so you get the technique down. I'd say about 4 in a row are good for him to demo. Request 4 from him.

Andy said...

Yeah, JJ, good job on your new PR. 245lbs is a lot of weight, at least for me!

Team "Action" is asking for CrossFit Roselle to come support our softball team today. It is our opener game for this season. We are playing at the Roselle Clause Center Park District. Game starts at 7:30pm. It is across the street from Lake Park H.S. West Campus on Bryn Mawr.

Come cheer us on!

See you all at 12pm for te forward rolls!

Guille said...

Good job JJ! Can we sub cartwheels for the forward rolls? You guys don't need to come cheer us on.

sarah duck said...

those forward rolls were solely for jason's amusement!

N Domis said...

Thanks guys... Those foward roles where awsome... LOL