Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday 100405

Three rounds for time of:
Run 200m
15 overhead squats, 115#/75#
30 push-ups
45 double-unders
Run 200m
15 sumo-deadlift high pulls, 115#/75#
30 pull-ups
45 Abmat sit-ups

30 minute time limit.

Great turnout for the Movement for Macey WOD on Saturday! Thank you all for your donations. The video will be posted soon!


Kathy said...

Going to try to make it in by 7 for some skills work (2 Wods plus 2 days of mulching equals super sore today) otherwise I am back at it tomorrow night for sure!

Unknown said...

Liliana is home safe and sound. We might be in at 7pm tonight.

danger said...

my old trainer guy contacted me... askin me to do a couple graphic design projects for him and in return hed train me for FREE!!

BUT.... im so devoted to Xfit... i passed on it.

see how much i love(hate) you jason!!

see u guys tonight.

Unknown said...

Tell him you'll do the design for free and in return he comes out and lets Jason train HIM.