Monday, February 1, 2010

Tuesday 100202

Five rounds of the following for reps:
Pull-ups, 1 minute
Push-ups, 1 minute
Abmat sit-ups, 1 minute
Double-unders, 1 minute

Add reps for total score. Post to comments.

Inside joke - JJ to the bar: "F--- your couch!"


Andy said...

Is there any rep between exercise or rounds? Or is this a straight through WOD non-stop?

Andy said...

Sorry, I meant to say "rest" not "rep"....

Should have read...Is there any REST between exercise or rounds?

Jason said...

What's up, Andy? You gonna do this WOD in EP? Your bro issued a challenge. No rest in between rounds/exercises.

Liliana said...

This was a good one!

N Domis said...

Yes i remember the day of that work out.. I need 2 more hang power cleans and I could not get it..

Unknown said...

Jason's talking shit but I'm down with the challenge.

Unknown said...

I would actually like to challenge "El Richie".

danger said...

just to clarify..... its F--- YO couch. :o)

Eric said...

A moving and inspirational article and video in the Wall Street Journal about Crossfit today.