Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday 100125

Five rounds for time of:

Row 500 meters
135 pound thruster, 7 reps

We're going to do our best to get everyone through this WOD as prescribed with the row. Don't be upset though if we have to sub in sumo deadlift high pulls...

Mike and Richard show off the new CrossFit Roselle t-shirts. Get them while they last - $12 each. Sorry, Richard, but I couldn't get rid of that chalk dust reflection over your face.


Adrianna said...

This one looks A LOT easier in print. Thought I'd be in and out in a flash, but I wasn't....

danger said...

ive learnt that those r the worst wo. the ones that dont look "that bad" on the site. little do u kno youll b in ur grave after it.

Unknown said...

Don't know what paper you were looking at but this looked as hard as it was.

I've learned that no Crossfit WOD is not "Not that bad". For a minute I thought Saturday's might have been the exception. Boy was I wrong on that one. I apologize to the young bucks for telling them it would be a quick one.

danger said...

lol 'young bucks' yea... sat was pretty bad. im still hurting from it.

the Treat! said...

I actually liked this one. :) Which is weird, bc I hate rowing...