Thursday, January 7, 2010

Friday 100108

Power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps


I don't know why, but this photo makes me laugh. What do you think JJ is texting?


the Treat! said...

JJ is texting smack to the coach he and his team are going to play tomorrow. :D

Belatedly! 2010 Goals:

-a handstand (this is mental)
-10 unassisted ring-dips
-10 strict pull-ups
-10 DUs in a row
-deadlift 200+
-actually maybe LOOK like I have muscle somewhere on my body (other than my quads, of course :) ) by sticking to the Zoooooonnnnne

Shooting too low/high? I will add more as I go, of course, and I want to improve ALL of my lifting abilities of course...

mfantau2 said...

I look so cool!

Lover said...

Nice handstand Miss Michelle! That was probably when JJ was texting me to tell me to get my butt over there so we could run. And NO BONUS!

Unknown said...

Yeah JJ was texting "Ya Bette Come"

Today's bous was a good one. A nice little shoulder burn.

eortega101 said...

Great pic!

JJ is texting: "I need some Tilenal".

N Domis said...

LOL I just saw this... This is hilarious.